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Page about me, Yoko
Neon Genesis Evangelion Site

Yoko Home

This site devoted to my saint person and to some of my projects.

The simpliest way to find me is ICQ 139629504 . [add contact]. I read my mail sometimes: yoko1998@yahoo.com and yoko1998@ukr.net.

Interests and hobby: programming (C/C++ especially Borland Builder, Delphi, ASM, Basic), Web-programming (D-HTML, Javascript, PHP), anime (japanese animation, see also my collection), science fiction (especially Lukyanenko, Divov, Kalugin, Ahmanov), movies (sci-fi basically, also any movie with good computer graphics), Ultima Online (Age of Power shard, based on Atum/Wolfpack emu).

Location: Europe, Ukraine, Kiev.

I had finished NTUU "KPI", now working as system administrator and programmer.

Ukraine, Kiev, Sunny Lake
Picturesque view from cam to Sunny lake, Kiev, from neighbor house